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Reference Projects

Tie-in behind multiple isolation points at

Fluxys, Belgium


Tie-ins on Compressor Station.

Fluxys is the national Belgian gas transmission system operator, operating a large gas transport system both in and outside of Belgium, an underground gas storage and an LNG import terminal.

Many gas transmission lines cross in their Compressor Station in Winksele, near Brussels. Adaptations in the gas grid required the tie-in of new pipelines and associated valve schemes, meaning cutting out obsolete and welding in new pipelines and valves.


There were two tie-in pits dug out, and there were 5 single valve isolations with each valve having a bypass, there were in total 10 bleed points to simultaneously isolate. Because of the distance of 175 meters in between the clusters of valves, 2 DBB-SAVERs were deployed; one
servicing 4 valves and the other 6 valves simultaneously, assisting in the safe execution of the tie-in works.



Safe isolation of multiple bleed points simultaneously.

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