Reflex Marine Wave-4 Personnel Transfer Basket
Safely and Steadily Transfer Your Crew

WAVE-4 brings all the benefits of a seated transfer carrier to a product for standing passengers.
Convenient for landing, storage, and shipping, with the smallest footprint of any rigid basket or device.
Simple maintenance schedule, reduced maintenance downtime.
Secure passenger positioning with added security from vertical safety restraints.
Buoyant and self-righting in case of immersion.
Easy MedEvac mode: slide-in stretcher, in case of immersion the casualty remains above the waterline.
Rapid entry and exit from clear access points.
Ideal for low volume routine crew transfers, medical evacuations and as part of a contingency plan.
Key Features
Durable materials ensure long unit lifespan
Simple Inspection & Maintenance with all parts easily replaceable
Network of Approved Service Partners to support you with maintenance and management of replacement parts for the carrier
Training available including Familiarization and I&M training
Rent and lease options available including comprehensive long-term rental with servicing (complete unit management)